Médica general egresada de UACJ, interesada en la salud integral del paciente.
General practitioner graduated from UACJ, interested in the integral health of the patient.
Concluí mi formación médica en diciembre 2018, siendo la número nueve de mi generación con un promedio general de 9.37. Realicé el internado médico de pregrado en el "Hospital General de Zona No.6 Benito Juárez IMSS" en Ciudad Juárez, durante el año 2019, obteniendo el segundo lugar de aprovechamiento. El servicio social lo realice en el año 2020, en la "Unidad de Medicina Familiar No.46 IMSS" en Ciudad Juárez, durante seis meses, y los siguientes seis meses en el departamento de epidemiología donde realicé mi internado. Obtuve mi cédula profesional en febrero del 2021. Trabajé en la comandancia de policía municipal de Chihuahua en febrero y marzo 2021, donde me caractericé por realizar mi servicio con vocación y profesionalismo. En julio del 2021 realicé un interinato en la planta MASECA, como médica de maquiladora, pudiendo ofrecer mi servicio con calidad y calidez.
During my medical bachelor I had the opportunity to be in two investigations summers. The first one in the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (2017) and with this research I participated in a presentation contest within in the medical student congress of my university; the second one at the National Institute of Psychiatry (2018), which allowed me to participate in the aforementioned congress with a poster in which I obtained first place.
I finished my medical training in December 2018, being number nine of my generation with a 9.37 of grades. I did the undergraduate medical internship at the "Hospital General de Zona No.6 Benito Juárez IMSS" in Ciudad Juárez, during the year 2019, obtaining the second place of achievement. I carried out social service in 2020, in the "Family Medicine Unit No.46 IMSS" in Ciudad Juárez, for six months, and the next six months in the epidemiology department where I did my undergraduate medical internship. I obtained my professional license in February 2021. I worked in the municipal police headquarters of Chihuahua in February and March 2021, where I was known for performing my service with vocation and professionalism. In July 2021 I did an internship at the MASECA plant, as a maquiladora doctor, being able to offer my service with quality.
Undergraduate medical internship-Doctor (Ene, 2019 - Dic, 2019)
Social service physician intern (Feb, 2020 - Ene, 2021)
General physician (Feb, 2021 - Mar, 2021)
Policía municipal de ChihuahuaCómo médica dentro de la comandancia norte de la policía municipal de Chihuahua, realizaba inspecciones a los oficiales de su temperatura, revisión general de los detenidos, e inspección general de los detenidos en celdas, y atendía urgencias que se presentaran dentro de las instalaciones. As a doctor within the northern command of the municipal police of Chihuahua, I carried out inspections to the officers of their temperature, general review of the detainees, and general inspection of the detainees in cells, and attended emergencies that were presented within the facilities.
General physician-doctor (Jun, 2021 - Jul, 2021)
IMATEKRealicé un interinato para cubir la vacante de médica de maquiladora, donde realice examenes médicos de ingreso, urgencias médicas menores derivadas del área de trabajo, pruebas rápidas para la detección de la enfermedad de COVID-19 y consultas de primer nivel a los trabajadores de la empresa. I did an internship to fill the maquiladora doctor vacancy, where I perform entrance medical examinations, minor medical emergencies derived from the work area, rapid tests for the detection of COVID-19 disease and first-level consultations to the workers of the company
medical general practice (Ene, 2014 - Ene, 2021)
UACJ-Medical school- Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (2014-2018) -Undergraduate medical internship at the \\\\\\\"Hospital General de Zona No.6 Benito Juárez IMSS\\\\\\\" in Ciudad Juárez (2019) -Social Service- \\\\\\\"Family Medicine Unit No.46 IMSS\\\\\\\" in Ciudad Juárez, for six months, and the next six months in the epidemiology at the \\\\\\\"Hospital General de Zona No.6 Benito Juárez IMSS\\\\\\\" in Ciudad Juárez ( february 2020-january 2021).
Honours & Awards
Pfizer in summer research fellow (20 junio, 2018)
I obtained a scholarship from Pfizer to do a summer research in \\\\\\\"Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría\\\\\\\" under the tutoring of Dr. Gerardo Ramírez and Dr. Edith Cabrera in the laboratory of neurogenesis
winner of the poster contest of the UACJ student medical congress (28 agosto, 2018)
Derived from the summer of research carried out in 2018, at the National Institute of Psychiatry, in the research led by Dr. Cabrera and Dr. Ramírez, I made a small contribution that allowed me to write the poster: Are the antidepressant effects of melatonin-dependent neuroplasticity? Involvement of oligodendrocytes, for the XX student medical congress of the UACJ, in which I was the winner
Prices/Services List
Consulta general200
Certificado médico100
Suturas simples300
Colocación/retiro de implante subdérmico (sin incluir el método de planificación familiar)400
Toma de signos vitales70
Toma de presión arterial50
Curaciones menores200
Colocación de sonda Foley300
Extracción de uña enterrada compleja800
Lavado ótico250
Curación mayor500
Extracción de uña enterrada simple500
Consulta a domicilio500
Consulta por plataforma electrónica200
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